Every time I go on a space mission I feel so lonely. Spending such a long amount of time with the same people can get boring and that just adds to the loneliness… I even read an article saying that loneliness can be worse than smoking! Well, maybe I can bring my pet cat, Kupkake, onto my next space mission, she always makes me feel happy!
Person #1:
I don’t think that bringing a live animal in a spacecraft would be the best idea. (Astronaut makes confused face) We found a resource showing that a cat can not balance at all in zero gravity and can’t maneuver very well. Also on a spacecraft, you need to take into account how much things are going to weigh and with all the items a cat is going to need to survive, it may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!
(Astronaut makes sad face) but.. my cat is the only thing that brings me joy anymore! There are even tests and studies that have been done that show people feel happier with pets… What shall I do…
Person #1:
Do not fear, technology is here! We present to you… remote controlled space cat toys!
Ok… (Astronaut make confused face) but how does a remote controlled cat toy even work in space?
Person #1:
Well, astronauts would download an app that we designed. Then that app would allow them to control the cat toys and, from cameras that would be installed in the room with cats on earth, you can watch as cats with those toys! Here take a look. (gives app design to astronaut)
(quickly flips through book) Wow – you came up with your own toy ideas, designed an app and even made a prototype! (motions to prototype). Can I see how it works?
Person #1:
Sure! (hits button on toy to make catnip fall on cat)
This is fantastic! But I don’t think I want to install these toys and a camera in my home…
Person #1:
Oh don’t worry we won’t make you install them in your home! We are going to install them in cat cafes!
A cat what now?
Person #1:
A cat cafe! They are like any other cafe with food and drinks but they also have a separate room where you can play with adoptable pets! These cafes are perfect for these toys and the toys may even increase adoption rates so it would help the cafes as well as the astronauts!
Wow – any idea on what this might cost?
Person #1:
We don’t have an exact price for the toys yet, but we were thinking 100 to 150 dollars each and the exploration company funding the mission could easily afford this price. It is so much less than sending a live cat and supplies into space.
Ok – I like what you have so far, but do you really think this would work? Would anyone really be interested in this?
Person #1:
Yes! We talked to several experts about our idea and here is what some of them told us:
Jessica Burge the owner of the cat cafe, Café Meow said: “They would probably work great. If you get a plan together on how we might be able to use them, we would love to see it.”
Tony Dreher, a retired Aerospace Engineer, said: “Just having something that connects pets to people sounds like a great idea. I don’t know of anything like that right now.”
if this is such a good idea, hasn’t it already been done?
Person #1:
Sort of, we did find a website for reach-in which is a company that came up some remote controlled cat toys. The company called their toys ipetcompanion. Their toys only can move with simple motions and there isn’t a lot of verity. They also aren’t made for space travel and can get repetitive and boring. Our fun toys and app are a great step forward in interactive space fun!
I love this! This might even be better than taking a cat and it’s cat box in space!
Person #1:
We may never figure out how to successfully send live cats into space, but we do hope that our app design and remote controlled cat toys can become next best thing that can connect people and animals closer together and end the loneliness of space.