Loneliness in Space

Loneliness in space is a huge problem as you already know fro previous posts, but we found more  research that supports this claim. We found a couple websites that say more about loneliness. One very important fact that we found was that loneliness can shorten your life even more than smoking can!

Here is a quote from one of the websites:

“Nevertheless, reports from astronauts who have described their experiences on long space flights suggest it is extremely important to maintain your emotional ties to the ground. A few pictures from home, a response on Twitter or a quick chat with an amateur radio enthusiast can make all the difference to an astronaut’s mood. It helps that all NASA communications with the ISS are through individuals known as capsule communicators. These are usually fellow astronauts who are well placed to understand what their comrades in space are going through.”


Here is another website we found:


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