This was our interview with Jessica Burge owner of the Café Meow in Minneapolis:
Q: Why did you start the Café Meow
A: To help cats and help make people happy. People seem to like to be around the cats and we can help get the cats from shelters new homes.
Q: What do people thing of the Café Meow?
A: Seems to make people happy, some people are disappointed that there is a cost to be with the cats.
Q: Do you think the cats like it here:
A: Yes – they seem very happy. Sometimes there is a shy one that we need to send back.
Q: Have you thought of Remote Controlled toys?
A: Yes, but they were too expensive for how we would use them. But they would probably work great. If you get a plan together on how we might be able to use them we would love to see it.